October 1, 2021/Indian Ridge Farm/Comments Off on Some current images from the farm
We’re transitioning from summer to fall and ultimately to winter here at our high-altitude farm in southwest Colorado. That means Anne’s been busy harvesting root vegetables and more from the garden, and we’re winterizing and cleaning up the place, while still taking care of livestock, some of which are due for processing soon.
The mountains are currently in full fall color mode, with some snowfall licking the high peaks after our current wet spell of rain down in the lower valleys. We thought we’d share a few images of what’s been happening around here for you to enjoy.
Beautiful rainbows accompanied the return of the summer monsoon this year, for which we were very grateful.We’ve always loved this view, out our dining room window and through the summer porch to the south.Our pigs frolicking in the lower pasture.Anne and the boys have been busy harvesting and then curing garlic and onions from the garden and letting some herbs dry.The garden is mostly still in full swing, although the cover crop season has begun! This photo was taken only a week ago … the season seems a bit longer this year due to warmer than usual nighttime temps.It was another good year for tomatoes, grown in one of two hoop houses. That hoop house is now being transitioned to a winter garden.What to do with all the tomatoes and peppers? We try to put up as much food as possible for winter, including ratatouille and canned tomatoes. We also put up corn, peaches, apricots, basil pesto, trying to stock our freezers and pantry as much as possible.Telluride’s Valley Floor provides the beautiful and colorful foreground for Ajax Peak in the background. A parting rain storm left us with this beautiful rainbow at the farm.
We hope everyone’s staying healthy in these perilous times, eating nutrient-dense foods, lots of animal fats and fermented foods, and cutting back on the sugar!